Why should you get a Website?

Author : Hardeep Singh
March 5, 2025

We believe that the one thing that truly made the world a smaller place is the internet. Computers and laptops have now become affordable and with mobile phones overtaking the total human population of the world, connectivity is reaching a new high every day.  Call it a mode of communication or a virtual world of information, the internet has truly been a game changer. But the question is do you need to be a part of this revolution?

The internet comprises of millions of websites by businesses and individuals marking their space. But there are some who feel that they don’t need to be a part of the internet. Just in case if you are one of those who feel that you don’t need a website, here are some things that you might be missing out on.

1. Create your Presence: Internet is virtual world parallel to ours. Being online is becoming more and more important. Given reasons for every individual to be online is different but we are living in a time where being online is a must. Think about it, college kids are online via social networks, business via their websites, social pages and all other media available to them. In such an atmosphere we believe not securing your space online is missing on a whole world of opportunities. Simply put, your website is, you, Online.

2. Share Ideas: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”- Eleanor Roosevelt. To discuss your ideas you need a medium and that medium is your website. Imagine your idea being seen by millions of people around the globe. You could be the next game changer for your field of interest. Heck, you could probably Save the World.

3. Promote Yourself: A website is a great marketing tool that you can use. Works for you 24×7. Even while you are asleep people will be able to see your work. Your website speaks for you. It does not really matter if you’re website is for your business or just for your hobby. You can also create a website to display your resume in a more creative way than a normal two page resume. It gives you an edge over the other applicants who are there for the same interview.

4 Establish yourself as an Expert: When you research, write and discuss about the topic of your interest, people will begin to look up to you. It creates a sense of leadership. People will want to get answers from you with respect to the topic of your interest. We can give you an example of Amit Agarwal, India’s first professional blogger who now has millions of followers glued to his website waiting for his next article.

5. Make Money: Someone has rightly said Time is Money. The more time you spend writing great content for your website the more credibility you are adding to your website. You can get your visitors to make money for you by simply adding ads to your website. Every time a visitor clicks the ad, there is more money in the bank for you.

We believe that a website holds value for every individual. Everyone needs a website be it a business, a photographer, a doctor, a writer, a journalist, an artist or just about anyone with thoughts.