14 Expert Tips for an Effective E-commerce Website 2019

Top 14 Expert Tips for an Effective E-commerce Website

Author : Hardeep Singh
March 4, 2025

The e-commerce economy is expected to continue its upward course and rapid growth in the years to come. If you are looking to get involved with your first e-commerce venture, you can expect great results if you approach it the right way. Here are few learned tips from successful e-commerce entrepreneurs to chart a course for success and mitigate the road blocks in an effective manner.

As an E-commerce Web Development and Design Company, you must build every inch sell. These are the steps for developing an excellent e-commerce website :-

#1 Keep the user in mind : Every single detail of your website from product images to contact forms could potentially contribute to a user’s decision to make a purchase. That’s why you should keep the user in mind with every single decision you make when it comes to your e-commerce web design. User experience is paramount to turning visitors into customers and turning customers into repeat customers. Not sure if your website has a good user experience? Get a second opinion by enlisting a friend or even hiring somebody to look over your website. Have them rate your site on usability, navigational ease, visual appeal, and overall satisfaction.    

#2 Design model : Draw a sketch of a layout strategy. This will serve as a website design blueprint. It helps to come up with a proper layout if it’s concrete and it’s something you can easily change and modify as necessary. To simplify the design of your site, take away any unnecessary information and utilize a minimalistic design theme with plenty of white space.

#3 Ensure that your website is mobile friendly : Nowadays, people browse websites from a multitude of devices and usage on a smartphone is increasing day by day. This is why your website must be mobile friendly and incorporate responsive design.

#4 Simple navigation : One of the most annoying things about internet shopping is not being able to discover your way around a website and when there’s another site for web visitors to use they may simply decide to go elsewhere. Be sure that your navigation system is located in the same location on each page and including breadcrumbs can help this along too.

#5 Use Consumer friendly URLs :  Many webmasters ignore the importance of URLs for e-commerce websites. Having a clean URL that denotes the web page properly is essential for ranking benefit as well as to offer optimum user experience.

#6 Consider font style : Font style is like the tone of someone’s speech during a discussion. It’s a symbol of its own regardless of what is said. If someone informs you they’re really happy in low, disappointing speech, how much would you believe them? Just the same, if you see a property website in Comic Sans (comic book font) how seriously would take that business? To establish a strong business existence, choose a font that facilitates the business message.

#7 Search bar : Many of your website visitors will likely have a specific product already in mind when they enter your website. Having a search bar allows them to find the product they have in mind easily without having to scroll through pages of information they aren’t interested in. If a user cannot quickly find a way to search your site for the product they want, they are more likely to go somewhere else for it. That’s why your search bar should appear near the top of your website, often in the right hand corner, to make it as quick and easy to find as possible.

#8 Optimize your product images : The biggest hindrance that e-commerce websites have is that consumers cannot feel the product before making the purchase, which is why image optimization is crucial for an e-commerce marketplace.

#9 Grid layout : Grid style layouts tend to be the best for e-commerce sites, and for most sites in general. When users are browsing products, it’s best to keep them in organized rows and columns. Just be careful not to cram too many different products in one row. We recommend only having three or four products per row to make your product catalog pages visually appealing. Keeping plenty of white space around each item gives people breathing room and allows them to clearly differentiate between products.

#10 Make it reliable : If you’re asking guests to part with their money, they will want to hand it over to a reliable source. Ensure that your payment options are secure to give your visitors peace of mind.

#11 Thank you images : Once someone makes a purchase on your website, they should be redirected to a thank you page. This page serves a couple of extremely important purposes. First of all, order confirmation or thank you pages are a necessity to properly track conversions through social media ads. Secondly, it allows users to be confident their purchase has gone through and lets them know that you appreciate their business.

#12 Create a proper sitemap page : Your consumers might not find a sitemap useful but for search engine robots, a site map is an essential feature to index all links on your e-commerce website.

#13 Keep your products organised : To make it as easy as possible for users to find the products they are looking for, you should keep the products on your site organized into specific categories. Categories should be easy to find through a menu bar to streamline the search process. This can also give users a glimpse into product categories they did not even know you had.

#14 Make sure users can easily track their order : One key feature of a customer-focused e-commerce website is the ability to track orders. By giving consumers this option, you tend to keep them in the loop about the expected time of order delivery.


If you are looking for a great effective e-commerce website development company for your business with free consultation, then please feel free to contact us.

We are a global Information Technology and Outsourcing company based in India and we take on projects for clients located around the World.

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