Digital Marketing

6 Reasons Why You Should Start Learning Digital Marketing

Author : Hardeep Singh
March 4, 2025

One of the Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Start Learning Digital Marketing :

1.)  6 Reasons Why You should Start Learning Digital Marketing because it’s just not about technology a lot of where students are scared or do not want to get into digital marketing because they believe it’s all about technology that’s not the truth digital marketing is combination of technology content right processes and analytics and the kind of weight is that I give is 10% of technical staffs 50% of content 30% of write process and 10% of analytics analytics plays a very important role in digital marketing because end of the day you will have to evaluate the metrics of the investment that you have made in the digital marketing process so ROI is very important and analytics will help you discover are why not just the ROI but also consumer behavior.

2.) Digital is growing look at these statistics India crossed app. 354 million Internet users in 2018 and it is expected to grow this year too so these numbers are going to increase and with the increase in the penetration of Internet there will be demand for digital marketing but time mobile penetration is happening largely there mobile phone users in this country than desktop users and as and when the data packs will get cheaper digital India campaign startup India campaigns net neutrality three basics we’ll try bringing these data packs for a lot more cheaper costs in this country and ask it will get cheaper you will realize in digital marketing will penetrate further internet penetration first and then followed by the identity market penetration the amount of excitement the rural crowd has today about e-commerce will also make you confirm that yes digital marketing is here to stay or e-commerce is to boom in this country with time.

3.)  Digital marketing is not just the future I hear from a lot of people digital marketing is a future you should invest in the future but digital marketing is present too having said this traditional is not dying anyway so digital is here to stay traditional is here to stay tune in that was the case Facebook wouldn’t have been seeking support for free basics using full-page newspaper advertisements so digital supports traditional traditional supports digital they work in combination look at some of the statistics India is expected to spend about 1.2 billion US dollars and digital advertising ins this year there has been gradual shift in the advertisement budgets in last three years where people have brought down their print advertisement budgets and we have raised a digital advancement budgets so that itself confirms that people are getting aware about digital marketing in India.

4.) Marketer needs a digital marketing edge as I told earlier I have done about three thousand five hundred two hundred training programs and have attained more than three thousand finding professionals and during this
journey of mine I have realized seventy percent of my workshop attendees have been traditional marketers digital marketing knowledge is essential to climb the ladder if you are a marketer and your stock and you’re not able to grow take the digital ladder to reach the next level why.

5.) Digital marketing is crucial for your personal brand building in this journey of digital marketing learning you need to do this course because you have to really get on the bandwagon you are not a marketer and if you’re still taking up this course we renamed every finance guy techie guy baking expert musician sportsman everyone should take this course because digital marketing can help take your talent to next level it can help teach Italian to global level so point number eight you should learn digital marketing because it immensely helps you in personal branding.

6.) Digital marketing has no predefined cost unlike traditional advertising it’s where you pay for space or pay for full-page advertisements which has a prefixed course in digital adventage.  Atal marketing your budget defines of each sometimes your cost per conversion is little higher sometimes the cost per conversion is very cheaper you have to do different levels of testing use different key barbies plus they’re split testing models in order to understand how it works models like cost per click cost per impression cost per conversion can help you get this process better but this  I would like to know if you have any questions you can post in digital marketing question answers.